Monday, November 10, 2008

Ok, Amy wins the prize for answering first. Amy, I am going to call you this week for some help on a project I want to do. I am glad you are doing well.

For all of you who remember my friend Vicki Christopher, well her mother Jet died yesterday. She suffered with Alzheimer for 7 years and it was just her time. Vicki's dad is 89 and has health difficulties also. They were always so good to me and my family especially the kids. We used to get calls from Jet to ask us if we knew Alan was down at her house eating snacks. Nothing like knowing where your kids are... Carolyn use to stop on her way home from school to eat marshmellows there. I can't begin to tell you how Jet helped me as a teenager trying to find myself, which there is still some question there.

let me here from you.

Love you all,

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ok guys, I am trying to learn how to use this blog here on Blogger. I need us to respond, update and compose with this. Maybe this will be how we can keep up with one another and share. You can upload pictures and video also. Sooooooo....... Let's give it a try.
